May 17, 2007

Drought Tolerant Plants

the plant we designed for you

Plant Name:
'rasberry ice' bougainvillea
Nice Flowering shrub. Robust grower. Plant perfers to be planted in the sun for maximum flowering. Prune back once a year to maintain shape. Thorny stems.
Plant Care:

This shrub is quite hardy and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year at most. Add 12-6-8 fertilizer with micronutrients to drip line in June and Sept.

Plant Name:
Chrysobalanus icaco
'Red Tip' Cocoplum
Native shrub. Birds love the fruit. Med growing. Beautiful red leaf tips on new growth. This plant is drought tolerant.
Plant Care:

This shrub is quite hardy and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year at most. Add 6-6-6 fertilizer with micronutrients to drip line in June and Sept.

Plant Name:
Codiaeum variegatum
Kalideoscope of leaf color. Slow grower. Plant can be planted in the sun or partial shade. Can also be a potted plant for patio. Real tough drought tolerant accent.
Plant Care:

This shrub is quite hardy and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year at most. Add 8-4-12 fertilizer with micronutrients to drip line in June and Sept.

Plant Name:
Conocarpus erectus sericeus Silver buttonwood
Fast growing shrub or small tree. Beautiful silvery leaves. Extremely drought tolerant. Great when used as a contrast.
Plant Care:

This shrub is rediculous. So damn tought. Fertilizer only 1 time a year at most. Add 6-6-6 to drip line in June or August.

Plant Name:
Jatroha integerrima
Jatropha/ Coral Plant
Large shrub or small tree growing to 10'. Mod. growing. Beautiful red flower, Will flower year round. Cool plant to use for an intimate area.
Plant Care:

This tree is quite hardy and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year at most. Add 12-6-8 to drip line in June and Sept. Plant in full sun. No real pest problems.

Plant Name:
Nerium oleander
Tall robust shrub growing to 12'. Fast growing. Beautiful flowers choices in pink, red or white. Extremely drought tolerant. Plant is poisionous.
Plant Care:

This shrub is freakin' tough and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year with 12-6-8 fertilizer to drip line in June and Sept. Watch out for catepillars.

Plant Name:
Pilea microphylla
Pilea/ artillery fern
Nice sturdy groundcover. Robust grower. Plant perfers to be planted in the sun but can tolerate a bit of shade. Exteremly drought tolerant. Trim back occasionally.
Plant Care:

This groundcover is hardy and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year at most. Add 12-6-8 fertilizer with micronutrients to drip line in June and Sept.

Plant Name:
Schefflera arboricola
Dwarf schefflera
Moderate growing shrub. Very drought tolerant. Tropical looking plant with palm shaped leaves. Great plant for the garden. No real pest problems.
Plant Care:

This shrub is hardy and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year at most. Add 6-6-6 fertilizer with micronutrients to drip line in June and Sept.

Plant Name:
Schefflera 'trinette'
trinette schefflera
Moderate growing shrub to 4'. Very drought tolerant. Tropical looking plant with variegated leaves. Great plant for the garden. No real pest problems.
Plant Care:

This shrub is hardy and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year at most. Add 6-6-6 fertilizer with micronutrients to drip line in June and Sept.

Plant Name:
Zamia maritima
Cardboard palm
Tough drought tolerant accent. Plant in the sun. Prehistoric looking leaves that feel rough to the touch. No real pests. This plant is very cool.
Plant Care:

This shrub is quite hardy and will need fertilizer only 2 times a year at most. Add 6-6-6 fertilizer with micronutrients to drip line in June and Sept.